Monday, March 7, 2011

I have been a FOOL!

I have lived my life bound by a lie.  This lie permeated every ounce of my being!  Only yesterday did I become aware of the effect it had on my life. 

For those of you who are close to me, you know I have lost 40 pounds since Christmas.  Mainly due to watching what I am eating and exercising.  For you who know me really well, I have had body issues my entire life; always seeing myself as big and never believing I could live a healthy lifestyle.  I believed this because of a lie.  You may also know there are certain sins in my life which play a large factor in my faith journey.  The lie was this: I can maintain only one of those areas of life.

I can do well in one area, but I must sacrifice healthy living in the other area.  For years I have believed this lie.  Believing I would be stuck living in habitual sin, or I would be stuck being bigger for the rest of my life.  My self control was limited to one area. 

Not until yesterday morning was this lie revealed to me.  I have been meditating on Psalm 87:11 which says, "Teach me your holy ways Oh Lord, that I may walk in your truth."  Every day, John 10:10 came to mind and I never knew why until yesterday.  John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; but I have come that they may have abundant life." 

I was not living an abundant life.  I was not living life to the fullest.  I was satisfied with a mediocre relationship with God, with those around me, and with myself.  I now know I can live a pure life, and maintain a healthy diet.  I do not have to choose one over the other.  I can have both; that is the abundant life God has promised me!

What about you?  Are you allowing an area of your life to be stolen, killed, or destroyed?  Are you living abundantly?

In His service, Crazy Pete

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